Does your active motor ever suddenly spun while the powerful engine is still active?Even though the gas lever is pulled tight, the motor seemed hopelessly sluggish. It is especially from the powerful machine to inhale the smell like burn something .
Did you know that it's all a sign of excessive heat engine having overheat. "That could happen in the tech motor cooling fluid for (liquid cooled) and (water cooled) motor,"

Signs of overheating the engine are more easily recognizable in recent years motorcycle output. The reason, in the cluster panel usually has equipped engine condition indicators such as the gear position indicator. Thus, if the engine is too hot then the indicator light will illuminate.
"Other signs are also the same, which arise or the smell of burnt rice pest and motor loss of power. So even with the cause," .
So what can cause the engine overheat? How do I cope with and prevent it? Here are tips:
1. Oil does not flow and clearance pistons that are too tightly
there are at least two major factors that cause the engine experienced excessive heat. The first is, oil is not distributed or flowing well. Second, the piston or piston in the cylinder liner is too tightly so that the piston and piston could not freely stir jam aka.
If the motor were forced to continue running, then the piston will break or hurt the engine block or even broken. "Usually it happens after Nesin in-Bore up and measure the diameter of the block and the magnitude of the piston does not fit. Moreover, when the engine overheated piston expands too, so move the piston getting stuck,"
Meanwhile, if the cause is not oil or not flow for well-distributed fan will cause damage to Noken as. In addition, piston, crankshaft bearing and giboks also be damaged.Therefore, the component is still working in hot conditions and without lubrication oil.
"If all the components were damaged, then prepare to spend big enough,"
2. How to cope with
If the problem occurs on your bike, calm down and do not panic. The first step that you must do is immediately turning off motor and bring the bike to a quiet place and use the middle standard.
If your symptoms are still active but the engine did not want the road. Means that most likely the piston and the piston is locked.Therefore, turn off the engine and allow it to cool the engine.
But one thing to remember should not cool the engine with any liquid. Let the engine cool naturally, until the temperature is really cold. "After a cold engine, spark plugs release it. Then, enter the new oil as much as ten drops or half a tablespoon of the spark plug hole,"
It was intended as a shortcut to lubricate the piston or piston is compressed because of the congestion. After the oil droplets considered, then do a warm up carefully.
The trick turn on the engine with automatic starter or electric starter one to three minutes. It was intended for the oil that we put through the hole plugs can seep lubricate the piston or piston, so that they are moving again. But remember do not enter the gears first.
Repeat it several times to make sure the oil is really lubricate the components. After the last stage has been completed you may try to enter one tooth on tooth position.
Then slowly pull the lever gas. When the rear wheel motor has moved the piston means has moved and you are riding a motorcycle again.
3. How prevention
How to prevent overheating engine actually quite easy. The key is only your will and your ketelanan only. When using a motorcycle with a liquid cooling system, then replace the coolant fluid regularly.Minimum once a year.
Meanwhile, if your motor is a motor that uses air cooling systems, then be diligent to clean the radiator. When the motor has reached the age of five years more, then it's good to add to the radiator with a fan. "Placement can be in front or behind the radiator,"
However, one thing is very important and should not be abandoned is a diligent and disciplined change the engine oil. The reason, besides the oil serves to lubricate the engine components are also cool the components as they rub against one another.
Even the oil also serves to remove debris or crust results combustion, oxidation in the engine, as well as dust inside the machine. All these particles are not cleared when the piston and piston will become clogged, resulting in the overheating engine.
Similarly, if the hot component due to rubbing against each other is not immediately cooled, will expand. "When that happens, it can not work properly and the engine temperature overheating,"