Friday, March 25, 2011

Hydrogen-powered and fueled Motorcycle

An amazing prototype natural emissions vehicle (ENV), hydrogen-powered motorcycle, was seriously introduced early last month in London, England. This powerful motorcycle exploits engines for the shape as large as suitcase and the powerful engines filled by high-pressure hydrogen.

The fantastic engine is really capable of reaching speeds of 50 miles per hour or about 80 kilometers per hour. These fuels can be used on average for 4 hours with the distance of 100 miles, or about 161 miles before recharging.

using hydrogen fuel, this motorcycle definitely is no emissions and no noise. However, the latter advantage becomes a complicated problem. For some people, without the noise produced by the exhaust, this bike might be fun. But, judging from the other side, without a voice roared, this motorcycle is dangerous because of other motorists or pedestrian may not hear and know of the existence of this motorcycle.