IF you are eager to ride a bike made by Authorized British car manufacturer, you can definitely choose the fantastic Land-Rover or amazing McLaren. If that sporty mountain bike you should choose a wonderful Land Rover, but if the agile and fast bike racing, fantastic McLaren is a wise choice.

It's not long after the fast bike highway of Evoque Range Rover was launched, again present the latest figure of sleek racing bike with both work between Fantastic McLaren and the Specialized.
As we know the Amazing McLaren is the fascinating champion lightweight material which it was scored 169 victories in Grand Prix, 12 agile drivers deliver the great championship title and won 8 times the constructors' title in spectacular Formula 1 racing championship. While the name is an talented expert in the field of Specialized bikes.
The two champions are managed to create a light frame with a weight of just 948 grams, or less than 1 kg or 10-15% lighter than the bike frame made by other carbon fibers which it was achieved through a new complicated technique cuts the sheet fibers.
S-Venge Bicycle of Specialized + McLaren has made its debut in the classic race Milan-San Remo last weekend, where the powerful and agile Tour de France winner Mark Cavendish rode to the finish line in order to-52 of 156 participants who actually completed the race.