YOGYAKARTA- Mountains, urban, and the beach. Three characteristics of this field is presented Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) Ltd. to test the toughness as well as comfort New Terios in Yogyakarta, 21 to 23 October 2010.
"In addition to testing the Terios, we want to dig deeper into the tourism potential of Yogyakarta which is very interesting and exotic, as well as broadcast to the world, Indonesia is beautiful," said Elvina Afny, Head Domestic Marketing ADM, which participated in this activity.

Therefore, Daihatsu invited dozens of journalists and other community members, following the event entitled "The New Daihatsu Terios Exotic Trip" by using 10 Daihatsu New Terios.
Test drive is quite interesting. Participants were given some instructions by the committee and a navigation system equipped with global positioning system (GPS), not the street hand in hand and escorted by traffic police. Therefore, there are the participants who must ask the locals about where they are headed.

Beach love
On the first day, Thursday (21/10/2010), the beach became the main treat. All of participants were asked to Parangkusumo Beach, 30 kilometers south of Yogyakarta. Myth, this location was mentioned as the gateway entrance to the palace of the southern sea. In addition, this beach is also the location of the meeting Senopati and Queen of the South that made them fall in love.
This time, Kompas.com sitting behind the wheel of New Terios TX M / T Adventure Silver. Characteristics of the path taken by the straight road that dominated the gas pedal can be trampled New Terios deeper. At high speed, silence is good enough so that the passenger cabin could hear the sound quality of audio devices with the best possible. ADM adds a layer on the inside of the dash silencer to isolate the sound from the engine of New Terios this.
After driving about 45 minutes, the group one by one arrived on the scene and were invited to compete riding ATVs on the beach. This place is also not spared New Terios used as the location of the photo with the background of the beach and sunset views. Unfortunately, the resulting cloudy beauty can not be enjoyed and perpetuated to the fullest. The delegation went back to the Novotel, Yogyakarta.
Queen Boko
On the second day, exotic journey continues. Today the four sites must be visited participants. First, Ratu Boko Temple Dawung and Sambirejo Village, about 19 km from the city of Yogyakarta and nearby Prambanan temple. The story, Ratu Boko is the palace which was built during the reign of Rakai Panangkaran, one of the descendants of Wangsa dynasty.
This time, Kompas.com sitting behind the wheel of New Terios TX A / T gray. The temple is located in the hills with an altitude of 196 meters above sea level. That way, we have a chance to know the Terios in the uphill.
Automatic transmission is embedded in the Terios able to get through various obstacles in the terrain. To develop Acceleration, the transmission is shifted into "D-2" as recommended by ADM that could provide an explanation how to use the automatic transmission to reporters on the first day.
Impression of New Terios comfortable successfully expressed thanks to the adjustment position of the rear suspension arm and the adjustment in per coil and shock absorbers.
Taman Sari From the hills, the participants were asked to return to the center of town to Taman Sari. This place is believed to be a royal park or rest house Ngayogyakarta Sultan Palace. Its location adjacent to the Palace or shopping center Malioboro.
According to one local guide at the site, in this place, King Yogya do persemedian and rest. Interestingly, this park is also believed to be the location of dozens of concubines of the king's bath.
During the trip in the city, the automatic transmission helps the driver comfort. No need to bother anymore to operate the clutch! In fact, for the road, we simply rely on "D". So, just play the gas pedal and brake!
Merapi Farm Herbs
Exotic Student City also continues. The journey continues into a plantation of herbal plants in the north of Yogyakarta, leads to the foot of Mount Merapi. In this place there are hundreds of nutritious herbs which are believed to cure various illnesses, ranging from mild (cold sore) to severe (heart, cholesterol, etc.).
Treat this place is typical of steeping the red ginger with sugar cubes. It's enough to help keep warm in a cool location. Other participants can also order a variety of other efficacious herbs steeping. This place became a second day of the closing ceremony.
On the last day, the group headed Malioboro tourist areas to spend time relaxing together. Kompas.com with a handful of journalists took a visit to Fort Vredeburg.
Dutch heritage building by the citizens of Yogyakarta is often called Loji because the size is large with wide pages. Loji Vredeburg is the oldest in Yogya and located directly opposite the Post Office.
The building was founded in 1776-1778, two years ago after the founding of the Palace Ngayogyakarta. Castle which was originally named Rustenburg was allegedly deliberately founded on the axis of Kraton-Monument to monitor the movements of the Palace