CONTINENTAL has developed a satellite-tech sensors for vehicles and types of plug-in hybrid high-voltage batteries to decide when the collision occurred when the vehicle runs on charging mode.
The goal for the emergency services team to recover the vehicle without having to accept the possibility of electric shock. EvSAT acceleration sensors will be active on the charging mode (charge mode).
Dr Axel Gessel of Continental said, "This device detects the crash and it continue this info to a battery management system for deciding high-voltage currents,"

The benefits of this product, go Gessel, it prevent firefighters and it rescue workers exposed to electric shock when entering and it make contact with the metal parts of vehicles. Because hybrid vehicles and plug-ins generally use beterai voltage to 400 volts.
evSAT taken from the sentence of Satellite for Electric Vehicles which those basically form a sensor-tech traxial CAN interface. Acceleration sensor uses a system of algorithms to detect frontal collision from behind or from the side.
After that the device quickly sends a signal via the CAN interface to the battery management to break the current in half a second. Similarly, if a car rolled in driving mode. In this case, the battery will be disabled for at least four seconds. However evSAT is inactive if the model of an emergency is outside of above example . (OL-07)