Mumbai - India's amazing automotive manufacturers, Bajaj Auto, collaborated with Renault of France will launch a lower-priced small cars, fuel efficient vehicles in 2012. The agile car was claimed to only consume 1 liter of fuel for a measured distance of 30 kilometers.
However, he was really reluctant to detail the comprehensive specification of engines as well as supporting the existing features in the wonderful car. He simply referred, interesting machine design, and neccessary materials of elegant car, and the complicated workmanship would be it. The marketing and sales process conducted by outstanding RenauIt-Nissan.

Mahantesh Sabarad, Fortune Equity Brokers automotive analyst based in Mumbai assess the technical aspects of engine technology especially Bajaj to be qualified enough to get into the wide arena of competitive automotive market.
His beneficial experience in the field of complicated machine and sale of this wonderful product during a foundation is strong enough to play in the broader market.
So far, Bajaj is known as a official manufacturer of two wheelers and three second largest in exotic India. However, Sabarad reminded, to be able to win the look and design competition that will be presented with Bajaj small car to be more interesting.
"This car should be a little more luxurious than the famous Tata Nano is cheap and will be exported to various countries," he asserted.
About the price, sources in Bajaj Auto says car besutannya be priced at around U.S. $ 2,500. While the Tata Nano has been priced in the range of USD 2,300.