Any self-respecting motorcycle rider demand more than just stylish footwear. Research shows more than eighty percent of all motorcycling accident resulted in leg fractures. A good riding gear should be designed to shield and protect all twenty six fragile bones in your feet and what can serve this purpose better than wearing a pair of Harley Davidson boots.
When you are out riding your bike you are exposed to harsh sun, damp, rain and cold and so are your boots. You need to see to it that your pair is waterproofed. That's your basic concern in maintaining your riding boots. Keep them away from water. You wouldn't want your leather boots to wear out before its time would you? Just browse around online and you can see that there are Harley Davidson for every gender, age and size.
Professional and amateurs riders alike swear by Harley Davidson boots. You will know why once you try a pair on yourself.
Here are few but important details you must check before buying a pair of Harley Davidson boots:
1. The sole should be thick enough to reduce vibration of your bike's engine. Soles must be non-skid to prevent you from tipping over.
2. It must be waterproofed to make your pair last longer and keep your feet dry. That way you won't risk developing fungal infections on your feet especially you are fond of wearing water-absorbing cotton socks.
3. There should be armor over the ankle. Plastic padding to keep anklebones intact in case you fall over.
4.Motorcycle boots that have vents is an added feature. It should have heels that allow for easy reach to the brake and shift lever and comfortable positioning on foot pegs.
5. It should have extra shin protection. Knee-length boots come to mind.
6.Boots that have secure retention system, meaning it won't slip off in the event of a crash.
7. Must have toe sliders for easy entry and flexible internal heel and toe cups.
Overall the boots' design must improve your riding experience with comfort and rugged enough to protect your feet,legs and ankles from muffle burns and abrasions or other external assaults in case of a tumble-over. What else offers that combination of comfort and protection than a Pair of Harley Davidson boots.
Harley Davidson Men's Boots
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